Pending videos

All videos that are sent to the encoding process, auto-recordings and cropped videos can be viewed on Pending Videos. Also the videos that failed the uploading or encoding process can be viewed on this page.

Note: failed and cropped videos are displayed only for 24 hours.

Once the encoding or uploading process is finished, videos can be found on My Videos page.

Click on Pending Videos page, under Upload Video menu:



Once the page opens you can see all pending, cropped and failed videos:


1. In this column you can see the name of the video.

2. In this column you can see the name of the cropped video name.

3. In this column you can see the date when the video was cropped.

4. In this column you can see the status of the cropped video.

5. Type here the name of a video you want to search.

6. Click here to search the video file.

7. In this column you can see the name of the pending video.

8. In this column you can see the format of the video file: uploaded, encoded, recorded.

9. In this column you can see the type of the video.

10. In this column you can see the target resolution of the video file.

11. Here you can see the estimated size of the video.

12. Here you can see the date when the video was added in the platform.

13. Here you can see the status of the encoding or uploading process.