Edit WordPress profile

Click on the Your Profile link, under Users menu, to edit your WordPress profile account settings:

edit wordpress profile settings

Once the page opens you can view and edit the profile settings of your WordPress account:

1. Check the box to disable the visual editor when writing.

2. Check the radio button according to the color scheme you prefer.

3. Check the box to enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation. Keyboard shortcuts are designed to allow you to rapidly navigate and perform actions on comments.

4. Check the box to show the toolbar when viewing the site.

5. Here you can view your username. You cannot edit your username because it was used as your Username during the login process.

6. Enter here your first name.

7. Enter here your last name.

8. Enter the nickname as it is required for every user. It may be the same as your user name or it can be different. If you don’t supply a nickname, then the username will be placed in this field.

9. Click on the drop down list to choose how your name will be cited on your website.

10. Enter your e-mail address here.

11. Enter your website address.

12. Enter your AIM screen name here.

13. Enter your Yahoo Messenger ID here.

14. Enter your Jabber/Google Talk name here.

15. Enter a short description or profile of yourself here. This optional information can be displayed by your theme if so configured by the theme author.

16. Click here to update profile.